#Free xml reader editor generator
XML Generator to generate sample XML based on XSD (XML Schema), DTD, or Relax NG Schema.XPath support with Syntax Coloring and Error Indication.Run your XSLT Stylesheet with your choice of XSLT processor and view the output.Supported Processors: Xerces, MSXML and Jing.XML Catalogs lets you redirect schemas on the Internet to your local computer, which makes validating your XML files much faster and more reliable.XMLBLueprint provides wizards to associate your XML Document with a DTD, Relax NG schema or XML Schema. Validate XML against XSD (XML Schema), DTD, Relax NG Schema, and Schematron.You can customize the text colors and the background colors. Syntax Coloring is supported for XML documents, but also for HTML, CSS, Java and JavaScript files.Folding simplifies working with large XML documents.XMLBlueprint correctly handles whitespace (the xml:space attribute), and you can override this behavior for specific elements. For instance, what to do with empty elements and where to place attributes and text. You can specify how XMLBlueprint should format your xml file. The XML Formatter lets you indent text, split long lines, remove whitespace, handle empty elements, format attributes.It's much faster to use the XML editor's refactoring functions for this type of changes. Nor could you change into because then the would still remain. For instance, if want to change all elements into elements you cannot globally replace "p" into "div" because this would also change text such as "simple" into "simdivle". Sometimes a simple find/replace of text is not powerful enough to make subtle changes in your XML Document. XML Refactoring helps you change the structure of your xml documents.An options dialog lets you specify how XMLBlueprint should behave. Context-Sensitive XML Helpers, based on XSD (XML Schema), DTD, and Relax NG Schema, for element names, attribute names and attribute values.XMLBlueprint has an extensive range of XML editing features, such as: The 64-bit version is recommended for editing and validating of very large XML files (up to 1GByte). Its unique combination of just the right features and an affordable price for both professionals as well as home users makes it the smart choice for all your XML-related work.
#Free xml reader editor full
XMLBlueprint is the smart XML Editor for Windows with full support for DTD, Relax NG, Schematron, XSD (XML Schema), XSLT (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) and XPath (1.0, 2.0, 3.0).